Department of Urban Amenities


The Department of Urban Amenities oversees the road network and traffic control, all planted and landscaped areas whether public or private, sanitation and utility concessions in the Principality.

Organisation and operation

It is organised into 8 sections, which are grouped together into 3 divisions. The Department employs 228 persons, all reporting to the Director. It manages a budget of approximately EUR 44 million.

The Administration Section deals with:

  • Personnel management
  • Secretarial services
  • Accounting
  • Archives

The Design Office is responsible for:

  • Designing urban development projects, planted and landscaped areas, the presentation of sculptures in public spaces, children's playgrounds and miscellaneous rehabilitations
  • The design of all areas surrounding public facilities (squares, pedestrian areas, etc.)
  • The completion of plans for international floral exhibitions

The Roads & Traffic Control Section deals with:

  • Coordination and monitoring of all work on public highways
  • General upkeep of the town and street furniture
  • Maintenance of horizontal and vertical traffic signs and streetlights
  • Issuing authorisations for road repairs, and the excavation and monitoring of trenches
  • Project management of major road-works (repairs to roads and pavements, developing the surroundings of buildings, etc.) carried out by the successful bidder for the 5-year procurement contract for the construction and upkeep of the Principality's road network

The Gardens Section is in charge of:

  • Creation and upkeep of parks & gardens: gardens, planters, squares, berms, roundabouts, islands
  • Quality control for all public and private planted areas in the Principality, which represent around 20 % of the total area of the territory
  • Upkeep of 30 public ponds and fountains
  • Participating in the reforestation of neighbouring municipalities, particularly since  fires damaged the inland areas of the Côte d'Azur in 1986
  • Participation and representation of Monaco at international floral exhibitions and horticultural events
  • Botanical exchanges with several countries
  • The decoration of many public events and certain civil service premises

Integrated Mobility Management Centre is responsible for: 

  • 24-hour safety surveillance and implementing emergency procedures in road tunnels
  • Operating and maintaining mobility-related equipment (such as traffic lights, access chains, variable message signs, closure barriers and safety equipment for tunnels) 7 days a week
  • Drawing up traffic flow plans for major events
  • Issuing permits for occupying public spaces and for exceptional loads
  • Studies and simulations for new road works (such as tunnels and roundabouts) and provisional modifications to transport plans

The Sanitation Section deals with:

  • The upkeep, operation of and improvements to 50 km of underground sewers, of which 25 km can be visited. The Principality also treats wastewater from neighbouring municipalities (Beausoleil, Cap d'Ail and La Turbie)
  • The design of sanitation infrastructures when new buildings are erected, and their coordination with the road network, as well as repairs to roads
  • The upkeep and exploration of a 1,500 m³ drainage basin, 80 pumping stations, 4 valleys, 4 marine-based trunk water mains, etc
  • Maintenance and operation of a pre-treatment station (UPTER)  for wastewater. The installations are underground, along the Saint-Martin tunnel, and stretch over 80 m in length, being 12 m wide and 7 to 14 m high

The Energy Section deals with:

  • Monitoring of improvements, extensions and upkeep of street lighting
  • Overseeing the maintenance of and improvements to tunnel installations (ventilation, C02 testing, etc.)
  • Maintaining and renewal of installations in public passageways and automated pedestrian links
  • The operation and upkeep of the pneumatic household waste collection network (CPOM) in the Fontvieille area which enables waste to be drawn up and transported through waste pipes directly from their source to the incineration facility
  • Monitoring and overseeing urban sanitation. This public service is delegated to the "Société Monégasque d'Assainissement" (SMA)
  • Maintaining the car fleet for all public services except for the Military Force (around 170 vehicles, including about  fifty belonging to the Department of Urban Amenities) and small equipment for the latter Department (lawnmowers, etc.)
  • Inspection and upkeep of tunnels and public gutters, and issuing authorizations for such work

The Concessions Section deals with:

  • Ensuring compliance with the specifications for public service concessions for the distribution of electricity and natural gas; the production and distribution of heating and air conditioning (SMEG); drinking water distribution; the operation of the wastewater treatment plant (SMEAUX); street cleansing; and the collection and incineration of urban waste (SMA)
  • Preparing specifications for new public service concessions in the above areas, and amending existing specifications


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