Social, health and families

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Handiplage re-opens

8 July 2024

Handiplage re-opens

This summer, enjoy easy and safe access to the sea on Larvotto beach until 1 September 2024.
Mosquito monitoring system

8 July 2024

Mosquito monitoring system

Given the increase in cases of Dengue fever in the PACA region, the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs has launched a system to monitor mosquitos in the area for the presence of viruses and implement specific action when they are detected.

6 March 2024

Blue March: colorectal cancer awareness month

An annual event, the month of March is devoted to raising public awareness about colorectal cancer prevention and screening.
Establishment of a maternity leave scheme for self-employed professionals

23 February 2024

Establishment of a maternity leave scheme for self-employed professionals

On 22 February 2024 the law establishing a maternity leave scheme for self-employed professionals affiliated with CAMTI (the national health insurance fund for the self-employed) has passed. 
