Prepare for your children's return to school with Monapass

Prepare for your children's return to school with Monapass


Don't wait any longer before the start of the new school year, and buy your school travel card from the Compagnie des Autobus de Monaco (Monegasque Bus Company), directly from your child's smartphone using the Monapass app. There’s no need to go to the branch! It's free and easy.

In the "Home" tab, click on the "Transport" section and then on "School pass".

Enter your login details if you already have an account with Compagnie des Autobus de Monaco.

If you don't have an account yet, simply create one in just a few clicks and follow the procedure!

Why choose Monapass?

The app is a digital wallet offering a wide range of services for all app holders:

  • Transport: payment for on-street parking, single tickets or season tickets for Autobus de Monaco and Monabike
  • Leisure: tickets for the Oceanographic Museum, Monaco’s buses, Monaco Le Grand Tour, Cinéma des Beaux-Arts, Prince’s Palace, H.S.H. the Prince of Monaco’s Car Collection, Zoological Gardens or the summer exhibition at the Grimaldi Forum
  • Sport: single ticket or season ticket for AS Monaco's home games

Thanks to the app, you can save precious time by making your purchases directly from your smartphone. Plus, once you're there, you can avoid queuing! You can also access practical information and news in real-time:

  • Times of the next buses at each stop
  • MonaBike bike availability on an interactive map
  • The nearest parking spaces and parking ticket machines
  • Information on offers from the app's partners

Have you got the app yet? Download it now.


See also

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