Requesting an Engrossed Copy – Lawyers with a lien for costs

Last updated: 23/02/2023

Please note that the Palais de Justice's opening hours will change during the judicial vacation period. From Monday 15 July to Monday 30 October inclusive, the opening hours will be: 9am - 12pm and 2pm - 4pm, Monday to Friday.

Principle and conditions

The engrossed copy of a deed with an appended executory clause enables a decision to be executed by a bailiff or executory agent. A lawyer is deemed to have a lien for costs when he or she is entitled to oblige the losing party to pay the costs of the other party directly to the lawyer of the winning party.

The application must be made to the chief court registrar and only by persons with an interest in bringing proceedings.


Registry fees

  •  5 € + 1 € per page

Administrative contact