Criminal record

Last updated: 11/02/2025

Principle and conditions

You can obtain Bulletin No. 3 of your criminal record (which only refers to the most serious convictions) if you are either:

  • Of Monegasque nationality
  • Resident in Monaco
  • Or if you were born in Monaco

Obtaining the extract from your criminal records

To obtain the criminal record, you can:

  • Go in person to the "Palais de Justice", taking your national ID card or your passport
  • Appoint a third party to hand in your request. This person must present your ID card and be able to confirm your civil status (your father's first name and your mother's maiden name). The Bulletin No. 3 of your criminal record will be sent by post to your address
  • Send your request by post addressed to the Public Prosecution Department or by email to You must attach a photocopy of your ID card and indicate your civil status (your father's first name, your mother's maiden name and your mother's first name). The Bulletin No. 3 of your criminal record will be sent by post to your address

Time taken to issue the bulletin

The bulletin will be issued within five days of receipt of the request.

Registry fees

  • Collected from the "Palais de Justice": €5 
  • Sent by post at the current "priority letter" rate (€6.39)

The fees can be paid in cash or by a cheque payable to "Madame le Greffier en Chef" if the bulletin is collected from the Palais de Justice and by cheque only if payment is made by post.

Administrative contact