Children and falls
To prevent children from falling, you should:
- Buy children’s beds which conform to safety regulations in terms of the height of safety rails, the gaps between them, and the size of the mattress compared to the bed frame. The mattress should be firm and there should be no pillow. An infant sleeping bag is preferable to a simple blanket to avoid the risk of suffocation
- Use a high chair which conforms to NF standards for children’s products, guaranteeing the safety of the chair
- Never leave a child alone in a high chair. Settle your child into the chair firmly and secure the crotch bar immediately so that they cannot slide out
- Place a floor mat under the high chair to help cushion any fall
- Do not put very hot products on the table as these could cause severe burns with a risk of scarring (scalding from hot liquids)
- Buy a bed which conforms to safety requirements, that is which carries the NF mark, and has a safety rail and a stable ladder. The beds should be fitted together securely and the whole construction should be perfectly stable
- Ensure that the installation instructions are legible and clear in the case of flat pack beds
- Never allow a child under six years of age to sleep in the upper bunk of bunk beds
- Do not place furniture with sharp edges close to the bed and put a thick rug or carpet on the ground to cushion possible falls
Falls in the bathroom
To make your bathroom safe:
- Place an anti-slip bathmat in the bottom of your bath or in your shower tray to reduce slips, and most importantly to ensure that any slip does not result in a young child drowning in the bath or an elderly person breaking a limb
- Never leave a child alone on a changing table, choose a table which conforms to safety requirements and carries the NF mark for children’s products. Ensure that the floor is well protected to provide a cushion in the event of a fall
- Arrange electrical wiring so that it does not trail across the floor. Trailing wires are responsible for many falls among the elderly
- Fix rugs to the floor, possibly with adhesive strips, to prevent people from catching their feet on them and falling
Falls in the home
A few simple measures can help you prevent falls in your home:
- Elderly people should only use a stepladder with one or two steps, and tested to ensure that it is stable, to reach high objects
- Never leave a child alone in a room with an open window, or install window stays which limit how far the window can be opened. You can also get transparent Plexiglas window protectors; these should be fixed securely to each side of the window
- Never leave lying around any object which a child could climb on and then fall off
- Ensure that staircases are well lit
- Cover steps with carpet or polish them with non-slip polish
- Fit banisters on your staircases
- Pay attention to gaps between railings on banisters, and make sure that children cannot put their head through them
- Use a child safety gate which conforms to safety standards. It is essential to install the gate correctly and securely using a permanent fitting
- Cover the floor at the bottom of the staircase with a rug to help cushion any fall
- If your child uses a baby walker, always put in place a guard to prevent falls
See also
See also
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