IMSEE - state-owned housing report   future needs by 2040

IMSEE - state-owned housing report future needs by 2040


Monaco Statistics (IMSEE) today published its study on state-owned housing and future needs by 2040 after submitting the study to the Prince’s Government and presenting it to the National Council. 

The study provides figures on public housing in the Principality and estimates future needs based on trends in the Monegasque population and the current and planned stock of housing. The study, carried out by Monaco Statistics, follows similar studies conducted in 2012 and 2017 at the Government’s request.

Monaco Statistics collected statistical data from the State Property Authority, the Housing Department, the Department of Forward Studies, Urban Planning and Mobility and Monaco City Hall. Data from the 2016 population census were also used.

For this study, Monaco Statistics established new population projections for Monegasque nationals using the components method, by which a projection is made age by age, year by year. Births, naturalisations by Sovereign Ordinance, and acquisitions of nationality by marriage are added, and deaths are subtracted. 

This projection considers the recent amendment to the Act on Nationality Acquisition, by which a spouse (who married in July 2022 or later) must wait 20 years, instead of 10 previously, before acquiring Monegasque citizenship by marriage. As a result, it is estimated that by 2040, the Monegasque population will reach 10,660, nearly 1,000 people more in 18 years.

The public housing stock, including planned deliveries from 2023 to 2027 (715 units) and projects planned as part of the National Housing Plan for Monegasques (PNLM) from 2028 to 2033 (612 additional units) will accommodate 78% of the Monegasque population by 2040, above the goal of 75% set by the plan, with 183 more units than expected.

imsee domaniaux

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