Academic Counselling and Education Resource Centre (CIEN)

Last updated: 23/02/2023

The mission

The mission of the Academic Counselling and Education Resource Centre (CIEN) is to offer a variety of information to a wide range of users:

  • On studies and training (such as educational establishments, universities, grandes écoles – prestigious, university-level higher education establishments, specialised schools, conditions for applying to educational establishments, diplomas, study grants, student accommodation, etc.)
  • On professions (understanding what the work involves, the training required, employment opportunities, career development, etc.)

Go to CIEN website.

The target audience

The CIEN offers advice to:

  • Pupils at State and private schools
  • Students
  • Parents of pupils
  • Adults wishing to complete or undertake a training course
  • Representatives from businesses or administrative services


The options offered

  • Individual interviews
  • Direct access to information in the self-service information room with the help of librarians


Sources of information

Various sources of information are available at the CIEN:

  • All the ONISEP documentation (French National Office for Information on Education and the Professions)
  • Numerous specialist publications
  • All CIDJ (Centre d'Information et de Documentation Jeunesse) factsheets
  • A book lending system
  • Computerised professional profile tests
  • CIEN training factsheets


The CIEN and the ENIC-NARIC network

As part of the Government's open-access policy, Monaco has joined the ENIC-NARIC network (European Network of Information Centres – National Academic Recognition Information Centre). 

ENIC Monaco is under the aegis of the Department of Education, Youth and Sport. The Academic Counselling and Education Resource Centre (CIEN) acts as a link with the network, as a national information centre.

The CIEN and young people

As part of its activities for young people, the CIEN organises the Pass’sport culture each year. This is aimed at young Monegasques aged 11 to 25 who live and attend school in Monaco. It takes place each July and August, as well as during the autumn, winter and spring school holidays.


Administrative contact