State-owned housing, i.e. relating to the State Property Authority (AD), is allocated to Monegasque households according to their normal needs. Priority for allocation is based on a points system, set by Ministerial Decree.
Understanding the process
Applications for State-owned housing can only be made in the context of a call for applications.
Composition of the household (minimum) | Normal Needs |
Couple or single person in the absence of recurring revenue | Exclusion |
Couple or Single person with regular income | Studio or 1 bedroom apartment |
Household with 1 adult child | 2 bedroom apartment |
Household with 2 adult children Household with 1 minor child present more than 50% of the time and 1 minor child present 50% of the time Household with 1 minor child present 50% of the time and at least 2 minor children present less than 50% of the time | 3 bedroom apartment |
Household with 3 adult and/or minor children present at least 50% of the time (*) | 4 bedroom apartment |
(*) For this last category, such applications will only be accepted if five-room flats remain available at the end of a series of allocations if there are non-Monegasque children in the applicant's household.
Failing this, the application will be submitted for the lower category.
In the absence of any details concerning the type of flat requested, the application will be examined based on the normal needs of the household as specified above. The request may not exceed the above-mentioned normal needs.
We recommend that applications be submitted as early as possible using the dedicated online service.
It is still possible to make a request using the paper form, which can be obtained from the Housing Department.
For further information, please download the
(Online Service Access Guide - French only).
It is vital that you provide all supporting documents relating to your family circumstances, rental position and financial status, depending on your situation and that of your household.
You must declare any other situation not included on the following list and provide appropriate supporting documentation
If you submitted an admissible application to the State Housing Commission held on 25 january 2023, and you would like to renew your application, please refer to the tab: Renewing an application.
If you did not submit an application (or your application was inadmissible) to the abovementioned Commission, please refer to the tab: Submitting an initial application.
Information on income received by each adult member of the household (including students) must be provided.
Proof of income relate to the 12 months preceding the call for application, and must be provided by the income provider in the form of an annual statement.
For this specific call for applications, the reference period for all income is 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2024.
For individuals engaged in the following occupations: self-employed, business owners, licensed professionals, craftsperson, taxi drivers, traders, managers, general or limited partners or owners of shares in companies or stocks, the reference period may be the most recent closed operating year.
Any non-remunerated periods must also be supported by documentary evidence and a sworn declaration based on the model provided by the Housing Department (template can be downloaded from the files section of this page).
For all adult members of the household:
- Proof of income from securities and movable assets for the previous financial year, which is established by the bank(s) where you hold accounts. This income includes interest on deposit or savings accounts, proceeds from bonds, dividends on shares, income from life insurance policies, the total amount from transfers and gains from securities, etc (template can be downloaded from the files section of this page). Even in the absence of such income, banks will produce the declaration requested, which is essential for examining applications
- If a bank account has been opened or closed during the previous financial year, declaration(s) from the bank(s) noting the date on which the account(s) was/were opened or closed
- A statement of ownership or a declaration of non-ownership issued by the Nice Property Tax Centre (CDIF) dated within the last three months: (Demande de Relevé de propriété - CDIF de Nice), whether or not the applicant (or any other adult in his or her household) is a property owner (template can be downloaded from the files section of this page). Acknowledgements of receipt are not taken into account
Subject to receipt of express permission from the applicant on their own behalf and, if applicable, on behalf of any other adult living in their household, this document will be directly requested by the Housing Department. The application form (online and paper versions) includes a specific section about this.
- Sworn accounts for the last financial year, by activity, and/or accounting statements and/or earnings declaration(s) submitted to the Department of Tax Services
- If the statement has been drawn up by an accountant, a declaration from the latter stating the income received for the activity during the same period
- Sworn declaration stating the amount of income received during the abovementioned period, based on the model provided by the Housing Department, by activity
- Articles of association or any other supporting document relating to the activity (extract from the Trade and Industry Registry, receipt for Monegasque declaration, ministerial authorisation, etc.)
These documents must be supplied for each activity and must relate to the most recent closed financial year. Estimated accounts for new activities cannot be considered, and nor can draft documents.
In the case of recent start-ups, where it is not possible to close the accounts for a full year, the income received during the first few months of business will be taken into account, calculated on a full-year basis and reduced to a monthly average. In this case, only companies that have been in operation for at least six months at the start of the call for applications will be considered.
- Declaration(s) stating the total amount of net salaries, including all bonuses, issued by the relevant employer(s)
- In the case of new activity: a declaration mentioning your net monthly salary and any bonuses and a copy of the employment contract. In the absence of such proof, the income received during the reference period will be taken into account
- Declaration(s) provided by the Social Security Funds (Monaco or France) stating the amount of daily payments, maternity/paternity payments, etc., or a declaration stating that no such payments have been received
- Declaration(s) from the Paid Holiday Fund for the Construction and Public Works Industry
Please refer to the reference period indicated in the title.
- A declaration stating the total amount of net salaries, including all bonuses (see the procedure: How to request proof of income from the Department of Budget and Treasury for civil servants and Government officials)
- In the case of new activity: a declaration mentioning your net monthly salary and any bonuses, a copy of the last payslip. In the absence of such proof, the income received during the reference period will be taken into account
- A certificate stating the amount of the end of year allowance, provided by the the State Medical Benefits Office
- Contribution(s) to civil retirement pensions (relevant to those seconded from the French Government)
Please refer to the reference period indicated in the title.
In the case of unemployment:
- Monaco Employment Office/ Department of Social Welfare and Social Services (DASO):
- Proof of entitlement, or termination if applicable
- Certificate(s) from paying organisations and/or monthly status reports (reference period)
- France : France Travail
- Proof of entitlement, or termination if applicable
- Certificate(s) from paying organisations and/or monthly status reports (reference period)
- A copy of your latest payslip mentioning that you have ceased work
Please refer to the reference period indicated in the title.
- Declaration(s) stating the amount of pension received from each paying organisation (including a spouse allowance or special payments)
- Declaration(s) stating the amount of surviving spouse’s pension received from each paying organisation (including one-time payments)
- A declaration from the State Medical Benefits Office (SPME) stating the amount of the end-of-year allowance or a declaration that no such payment has been made (for retired Government or Commune employees)
- Proof of entitlement (if applicable) during the reference period
Please refer to the reference period indicated in the title.
Note that all supporting documents relating to the previous calendar year are accepted.
- A declaration of the amount paid for the current university year
- A copy of a current student ID card
- Declaration(s) stating the amount of the allowance or social payments
- Proof of entitlement, if relevant
Please refer to the reference period indicated in the title.
- A declaration stating the amount of the social allowances (single parents or non-working parents, special allowances for people with disabilities – children or adults)
Please refer to the reference period indicated in the title.
- A supporting document from the organisation (other than the Housing Department) stating the amount paid during the reference period
- Declaration(s) from each paying organisation (State Medical Benefits Office, Social Services Compensation Fund or France), depending on the situation, stating the amount of family benefits during the reference period
- Declaration(s) stating that no benefits have been received from these organisations, depending on your membership
- A declaration stating the amount received during the period in question
Please refer to the reference period indicated in the title.
- A full copy of your latest income tax notice
This applies to people receiving income from outside the Principality without a tax notice and to foreign nationals.
- Sworn statement of non-liability for tax
- A statement of ownership or a certificate of non-ownership issued by the Nice Property Tax Centre (CDIF) dated within the last three months. This is mandatory for all adults in the household, whether or not they own property (
) Acknowledgements of receipt are not taken into account
Subject to receipt of express permission from the applicant on their own behalf and, if applicable, on behalf of any other adult living in their household, this document will be directly requested by the Housing Department. The application form (online and paper versions) includes a specific section about this - For rented properties in the Principality:
- Notarised declaration of ownership
- All documents relating to the amount of rent collected, excluding charges and management fees, during the reference period
- For non-rented properties in the Principality:
- Notarised declaration of ownership
- For rented properties situated outside the Municipalities mentioned in the Ministerial Decree:
- All documents relating to the amount of rent collected excluding charges and management fees, during the reference period
- Most recent complete tax notice
- For rented properties situated in the Municipalities mentioned in the Ministerial Decree:
- Notarised declaration of ownership
- All documents relating to the amount of rent collected, excluding charges and management fees, during the reference period
- Most recent complete tax notice
- Full property tax
- For no-rented properties situated in the Municipalities mentioned in the Ministerial Decree:
- Notarised declaration of ownership
- Full Council Tax
- Full property tax
- For non-inhabitable properties:
- Declaration issued by the commune stating that the property is not inhabitable by day or by night
- In the case of properties held via an S.C.I. (Non-trading real estate company): copies of the Articles of Association of the S.C.I. Please note that in the case of shareholdings, regardless of the percentage, it is compulsory to provide supporting documents
Proof of the property's composition is the responsibility of the applicant. In the absence of documentary proof of the property's composition, the penalty will be applied.
Properties in joint ownership are not taken into account, provided that the members of the same applicant household, within the meaning of this decree, do not hold all the joint ownership rights, an unsettled estate or a sale as part of divorce proceedings. However, it is compulsory to provide the above-mentioned supporting documents.
Properties rented for a period of at least 6 months during the reference period linked to the call for applications or which are the subject of a new rental contract of at least 6 months also during the said period shall not be considered.
Lastly, the aforementioned provision cannot be applied to the rental of the property, even for consideration, to a third party, such as:
- The brothers and sisters of the applicant or his/her spouse (or those living with them), and their respective spouses
- The ascendants or descendants of the applicant or his/her spouse (or those accommodated), and their respective spouses.
Proof that the property is rented is the responsibility of the applicant. If this is not the case, the penalty will apply.
- A copy of the proof of sale of the property(ies) (without stating the price)
- A sworn declaration giving details of your absence during periods not worked, using the template provided ( )
Please refer to the reference period indicated in the title.
For all members of the household:
- For Monegasque nationals, a Certificate of nationality (for each member of the household)
- For non-Monegasque nationals: a copy of the front and back of a valid residence permit
- A copy of the front and back of a valid Monaco national identity card (for each member of the household)
Additional supporting documents may be requested during the process of reviewing the application.
- Copy of the family record booklet
- Copy of the cohabitation agreement or civil solidarity pact
- A declaration of education or a copy of a student's card relating to the current school or university year, or, if applicable, a receipt for enrolment for the next school year
- A copy of the publication of the banns, showing the date of the wedding
- A copy of the marriage certificate, when the wedding has already been celebrated
- A copy of family record booklet, when the wedding has already been celebrated
- A copy of the declaration of pregnancy (prenatal medical examination report) sent to the health authority
- A birth certificate following the birth
- A copy of family record booklet following the birth
- A certificate of nationality following the birth
- All supporting documents or extracts from judgments of legal separation or divorce or any related document making it possible to determine, depending on the case, the allocation of the marital home, authorisation for separate residence, the residence of the child or children, their custody arrangements and parental authority, updated in line with new judgments handed down
- Proof mentioning the amount of the contributory share towards the education and maintenance of the child(ren) and/or the maintenance paid or received monthly, of the sums to be deducted or in addition to income depending on the situation
- In the event of non-payment or non-receipt of contributions, a sworn statement signed by both parents confirming this situation
- In the event of non-payment or non-receipt of maintenance, a sworn statement signed by both parties confirming this situation
- In the case of separation of a household declared to be a cohabiting household in a previous application, you should provide documents certifying that this accommodation has ended. If this is not possible, you should provide a sworn statement
- A copy of the lease and any amendments
- Copy of the most recent rent receipt which details the amount of rent, service charges and parking charges, if applicable
For residents in the state-owned sector (tenants or holders of a right-to-buy contract "contrat habitation-capitalisation"), no documents are required.
- A medical certificate issued by a specialist doctor in accordance with current legislation in the Principality, dated within the last three months. Certificates from general practitioners are not taken into account
- A medical certificate issued by a specialist doctor in accordance with current legislation in the Principality, dated within the last three months
- Proof of your return to the Principality (school enrolment, registration with the Employment Office, employment contract, etc.)
Information on income received by each adult member of the household (including students) must be provided.
Proof of income relate to the 12 months preceding the call for application, and must be provided by the income provider in the form of an annual statement.
For this specific call for applications, the reference period for all income is 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2024.
For individuals engaged in the following occupations: self-employed, licensed professionals, business owners, craftsperson, taxi, traders, managers, general or limited partners or owners of shares in companies, the reference period may be the most recent closed operating year.
Proof must also be provided of any non-remunerated periods and a sworn declaration using the template issued by the housing department (template can be downloaded from the files section of this page).
For all adult members of the household:
- Proof of income from securities and movable assets for the previous financial year which is established by the bank(s) where you hold accounts. This income includes interest on deposit or savings accounts, proceeds from bonds, dividends on shares, income from life insurance policies, the total amount from transfers and gains from securities, etc. (template can be downloaded from the files section of this page)
Even in the absence of such income, banks will produce the declaration requested, which is essential for examining applications - If a bank account has been opened or closed since the previous State Housing Commission, resulting in the receipt of income from securities and movable assets: any document justifying this new situation
- A statement of ownership or a declaration of non-ownership issued by the centre des impôts fonciers de Nice (Nice Property Tax Centre - CDIF) dated within the last three months whether or not the applicant (or any other adult in his or her household) is a property owner (template can be downloaded from the files section of this page)
Acknowledgements of receipt are not taken into account.
Subject to receipt of express permission from the applicant on their own behalf and, if applicable, on behalf of any other adult living in their household, this document will be directly requested by the Housing Department. The application form (online and paper versions) includes a specific section about this.
- Sworn accounts for the last financial year, by activity, and/or accounting statements and/or earnings declaration(s) submitted to the Department of Tax Services
- If the statement has been drawn up by an accountant, a declaration from the latter stating the income received for the activity during the same period
- Sworn declaration stating the amount of income received during the abovementioned period, based on the model provided by the Housing Department, by activity
- Articles of association or any other supporting document relating to the activity (extract from the Trade and Industry Registry, receipt for Monegasque declaration, ministerial authorisation, etc.)
These documents must be supplied for each activity and must relate to the most recent closed financial year. Estimated accounts for new activities cannot be considered, and nor can draft documents.
In the case of recent start-ups, where it is not possible to close the accounts for a full year, the income received during the first few months of business will be taken into account, calculated on a full-year basis and reduced to a monthly average. In this case, only companies that have been in operation for at least six months at the start of the call for applications will be considered.
- Declaration(s) stating the total amount of net salaries, including all bonuses, issued by the relevant employer(s)
- In the case of new activity: a declaration mentioning your net monthly salary and any bonuses and a copy of the employment contract. In the absence of such proof, the income received during the reference period will be taken into account
- Declaration(s) provided by the Social Security Funds (Monaco or France) stating the amount of daily payments, maternity/paternity payments, etc., or a declaration stating that no such payments have been received
- Declaration(s) from the Paid Holiday Fund for the Construction and Public Works Industry
Please refer to the reference period indicated in the title.
- A declaration stating the total amount of net salaries, including all bonuses (see the procedure: How to request proof of income from the Department of Budget and Treasury for civil servants and Government officials)
- In the case of new activity: a declaration mentioning your net monthly salary and any bonuses, a copy of the last payslip. In the absence of such proof, the income received during the reference period will be taken into account
- A certificate stating the amount of the end of year allowance, provided by the the State Medical Benefits Office
- Contribution(s) to civil retirement pensions (relevant to those seconded from the French Government)
Please refer to the reference period indicated in the title.
In the case of unemployment:
- Monaco Employment Office/ Department of Social Welfare and Social Services (DASO)
- Proof of entitlement, or termination if applicable
- Certificate(s) from paying organisations and/or monthly status reports (reference period)
- France : France Travail
- Proof of entitlement, or termination if applicable
- Certificate(s) from paying organisations and/or monthly status reports (reference period)
- A copy of your latest payslip mentioning that you have ceased work
Please refer to the reference period indicated in the title.
- Declaration(s) stating the amount of pension received from each paying organisation (including a spouse allowance or special payments)
- Declaration(s) stating the amount of surviving spouse’s pension received from each paying organisation (including one-time payments)
- A declaration from the State Medical Benefits Office (SPME) stating the amount of the end-of-year allowance or a declaration that no such payment has been made (for retired Government or Commune employees)
- Proof of entitlement (if applicable) during the reference period
Please refer to the reference period indicated in the title.
Note that all supporting documents relating to the previous calendar year are accepted.
- A declaration of the amount paid for the current university year
- A copy of a current student ID card
- Declaration(s) stating the amount of the allowance or social payments
- Proof of entitlement, if relevant
Please refer to the reference period indicated in the title.
- A declaration stating the amount of the social allowances (single parents or non-working parents, special allowances for people with disabilities – children or adults)
Please refer to the reference period indicated in the title.
- A supporting document from the organisation (other than the Housing Department) stating the amount paid during the reference period
- A declaration stating the amount received during the period in question
Please refer to the reference period indicated in the title.
- Declaration(s) from each paying organisation (State Medical Benefits Office, Social Services Compensation Fund or France), depending on the situation, stating the amount of family benefits during the reference period
- Declaration(s) stating that no benefits have been received from these organisations, depending on your membership
- A full copy of your latest income tax notice
This applies to people receiving income from outside the Principality without a tax notice and to foreign nationals.
- Sworn statement of non-liability for tax
- A statement of ownership or a certificate of non-ownership issued by the Nice Property Tax Centre (CDIF) dated within the last three months. This is mandatory for all adults in the household, whether or not they own property (
). Acknowledgements of receipt are not taken into account
Subject to receipt of express permission from the applicant on their own behalf and, if applicable, on behalf of any other adult living in their household, this document will be directly requested by the Housing Department. The application form (online and paper versions) includes a specific section about this - For rented properties in the Principality:
- Notarised declaration of ownership
- All documents relating to the amount of rent collected, excluding charges and management fees, during the reference period
- For non-rented properties in the Principality:
- Notarised declaration of ownership
- For rented properties situated outside the Municipalities mentioned in the Ministerial Decree:
- All documents relating to the amount of rent collected, excluding charges and management fees, during the reference period
- Most recent complete tax notice
- For rented properties situated in the Municipalities mentioned in the Ministerial Decree:
- Notarised declaration of ownership
- All documents relating to the amount of rent collected, excluding charges and management fees, during the reference period
- Most recent complete tax notice
- Full property tax
- For no-rented properties situated in the Municipalities mentioned in the Ministerial Decree:
- Notarised declaration of ownership
- Full Council Tax
- Full property tax
- For non-inhabitable properties:
- Declaration issued by the commune stating that the property is not inhabitable by day or by night
- In the case of properties held via an S.C.I. [Non-trading real estate company]: copies of the Articles of Association of the S.C.I. Please note that in the case of shareholdings, regardless of the percentage, it is compulsory to provide supporting documents
Proof of the property's composition is the responsibility of the applicant. In the absence of documentary proof of the property's composition, the penalty will be applied.
Properties in joint ownership are not taken into account, provided that the members of the same applicant household, within the meaning of this decree, do not hold all the joint ownership rights, an unsettled estate or a sale as part of divorce proceedings. However, it is compulsory to provide the above-mentioned supporting documents.
Properties rented for a period of at least 6 months during the reference period linked to the call for applications or which are the subject of a new rental contract of at least 6 months also during the said period shall not be considered.
Lastly, the aforementioned provision cannot be applied to the rental of the property, even for consideration, to a third party, such as:
- The brothers and sisters of the applicant or his/her spouse (or those living with them), and their respective spouses
- The ascendants or descendants of the applicant or his/her spouse (or those accommodated), and their respective spouses
Proof that the property is rented is the responsibility of the applicant. If this is not the case, the penalty will apply.
- A copy of the proof of sale of the property(ies) (without stating the price)
- A sworn declaration giving details of your absence during periods not worked, using the template provided ( )
Please refer to the reference period indicated in the title.
For all members of the household:
- For Monegasque nationals, a Certificate of nationality (for each member of the household)
- For non-Monegasque nationals: a copy of the front and back of a valid residence permit
- A copy of the front and back of a valid Monaco national identity card (for each member of the household)
Additional supporting documents may be requested during the process of reviewing the application.
Individuals who submitted an admissible application to the commission of 13 February 2024 and whose situation has not changed, do not need to supply the document(s) again, with the exception of identity documents which have expired since the last call for applications.
- Copy of the family record booklet
- Copy of the cohabitation agreement or civil solidarity pact
- A declaration of education or a copy of a student's card relating to the current school or university year, or, if applicable, a receipt for enrolment for the next school year
- A copy of the publication of the banns, showing the date of the wedding
- A copy of the marriage certificate, when the wedding has already been celebrated
- A copy of family record booklet, when the wedding has already been celebrated
- A copy of the declaration of pregnancy (prenatal medical examination report) sent to the health authority
- A birth certificate following the birth
- A copy of family record booklet following the birth
- A certificate of nationality following the birth
- All supporting documents or extracts from judgments of legal separation or divorce or any related document making it possible to determine, depending on the case, the allocation of the marital home, authorisation for separate residence, the residence of the child or children, their custody arrangements and parental authority, updated in line with new judgments handed down
- Proof mentioning the amount of the contributory share towards the education and maintenance of the child(ren) and/or the maintenance paid or received monthly, of the sums to be deducted or in addition to income depending on the situation
- In the event of non-payment or non-receipt of contributions, a sworn statement signed by both parents confirming this situation
- In the event of non-payment or non-receipt of maintenance, a sworn statement signed by both parties confirming this situation
- In the case of separation of a household declared to be a cohabiting household in a previous application, you should provide documents certifying that this accommodation has ended. If this is not possible, you should provide a sworn statement
- A copy of the lease and any amendments
- Copy of the most recent rent receipt which details the amount of rent, service charges and parking charges, if applicable
- A medical certificate issued by a specialist doctor in accordance with current legislation in the Principality, dated within the last three months. Certificates from general practitioners are not taken into account
- Proof of your return to the Principality (school enrolment, registration with the Employment Office, employment contract, etc.)
By using the online service to apply for state-owned housing in Monaco. To access this online service, you should log in with your account
For further information go to the factsheet: Se connecter à un téléservice Particulier avec
Your application must be duly completed within the timeframe indicated for the call for applications, otherwise it will not be accepted.
The Housing Department reserves the right to visit your current home and/or to request additional supporting documents.
In all cases, you will be sent an email acknowledgement that the application has been registered.
The form is available from the Housing Department during the call for applications periods.
The form can be sent to you by post. Simply contact the Department’s Secretarial Office to request one ( or Opening hours are from 9.30 am to 5 pm.
Your application must be duly completed within the timeframe indicated for the call for applications, otherwise it will not be accepted.
The Housing Department reserves the right to visit your current home and/or to request additional supporting documents.
In all cases, you will be sent an email acknowledgement that the application has been registered.
Following a meeting of the State Housing Commission, you will be sent a letter, stating either:
- That your request has been accepted, followed by a subsequent letter stating the place and date for visiting the dwelling
- That your application has been placed on a waiting list
- That your request has been refused by the current Commission
During the visit, which will be the subject of a second letter stating the location of the apartment and the date of the appointment, you will be given a standard letter (two copies), so that you can indicate your acceptance, within 6 days, or your refusal of the allocated apartment.
If you accept:
- Keep a copy of the standard letter for future administrative procedures (various contracts, etc.)
- Send the second copy to the Housing Department
- Contact the State Property Authority for the usual formalities (inventory of fixtures and signature of the lease)
In the case of a refusal:
Return the letter addressed to the Housing Department within 6 days. After this deadline, the accommodation will be considered vacant and offered to another applicant.
If you received a refusal from the previous Commission, you will receive a letter informing you of a new call for applications. Please note that refused applications will not automatically be reconsidered.
See also
See also
Administrative contact
10 bis, quai Antoine 1er
BP 631
Opening hours :
from 9.30am to 5.00pm from Monday to Friday
Phone :
Phone 2 :
Fax :
Administrative contact
10 bis, quai Antoine 1er
BP 631
Opening hours :
from 9.30am to 5.00pm from Monday to Friday
Phone :
Phone 2 :
Fax :